What do you mean by coaching?

  • Focus

    Facilitating intentional, reflective conversations to help you gain clarity, perspective, and awareness.

  • Core belief

    Of all the humans on the planet, you are the expert on your life, relationships, and inner world.

  • My role

    As your coach, I will help you illuminate areas where you feel confused, stuck, or unsure, guiding you to uncover solutions that reside within you.

Distinguishing coaching from other helpful processes like therapy and mentoring:

Therapy focuses on healing and understanding past experiences whereas coaching is about looking forward, aligning your life with your values, and helping you step into the person you want to become.

Mentoring involves imparting advice and knowledge based on experience, while coaching draws out insights and solutions from within you, empowering you to take the steering wheel.

Why Coaching Works

Coaching works because it is grounded in the belief that people are naturally creative and resourceful. Rather than giving advice or telling you what to do, coaching is about helping you unlock the solutions already within you.